The Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center exists for the purposes of educating professional psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, and the public-at-large about the nature, theory, clinical practice and practical utilization of relational psychoanalysis.
The Mitchell Center provides opportunities for the investigation and development of relational psychoanalysis through training and education, and by convening conferences, seminars, and public lectures.
In concert with ongoing, public demands for naming racism, and racist attitudes in society at large, and for the implementation of justice in established social structures, the Mitchell Relational Center hopes to create more diverse, equitable, and inclusive educational opportunities that will attract and encourage students from the BIPoC and other marginalized communities. We hope to deepen the interests of these students in the promise of relational psychoanalysis to interrogate and to transform the systematic discrimination that has plagued and limited both the theoretical and clinical contributions of our profession, narrowing our understanding and discouraging inclusivity both in our professional community and in our patient population.
If you are interested in applying for one of these scholarships, please contact the director (s) of the program to which you will be applying for information about the application process.