Janine de Peyer, LCSW

425 East 86th Street, Suite 1D
New York, NY 10028
212 369 6551
Janine de Peyer, LCSW-R is Faculty and Supervisor at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies, New York (NIP), the Florida Psychoanalytic Center, and the Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center. She is Associate Editor with Psychoanalytic Dialogues, and has published and presented interna- tionally on transference/countertransference, eroticism, dissociation, and uncanny communication in the therapeutic dyad. Publications include, Unspoken Rhapsody: Female Erotic Countertransference and the Dissocia- tion of Desire, (2022); Uncanny Communication and the Porous Mind, (2016); and Private Terrors: Sexualized Aggression and a Psychoanalyst’s Fear of Her Patient (2002). Originally from London, Janine has recently re- ignited her love for painting, and is in private practice in Manhattan where she integrates EMDR and creative visualization within a relational psycho- analytic framework.
Janine de Peyer Curriculum Vitae
For more information, email mrcinfo@mitchellrelationalcenter.org
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