Education & Training
The Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center exists for the purposes of educating professional psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, and the public-at-large about the nature, theory, clinical practice and practical utilization of relational psychoanalysis. The Mitchell Center provides opportunities for the investigation and development of relational psychoanalysis through training and education, and by convening conferences, seminars, and public lectures.
One-Year Introductory Program in Relational Studies - The One-Year Introductory Program in Relational Studies is the first of its kind. We provide a unique opportunity to dive into Relational theory and clinical practice with internationally recognized faculty, the founding, leading, and emerging voices in Relational Psychoanalysis. We critically examine the shift from Freud's "blank screen" to the mutative impact of the relational matrix and the analytic relationship, including interrogating race, class, gender, and identity. This program is open to licensed and license-eligible mental health professionals.
Advanced Clinical Seminar - The Advanced Clinical Seminar is a one-year clinical case seminar focusing specifically on the exploration of students' clinical practice. This program is led by a rotating group of our faculty and open to graduates of either of our one year long programs, the One-Year Introductory Program in Relational Studies or Relational Theory in Clinical Practice.
Relational Theory in Clinical Practice - This program is a year-long seminar-style online program that addresses basic Relational theory and related clinical applications. The current syllabus, although subject to change, includes an overview of the development of Relational thinking; multiplicity, dissociation and the Relational model of mind; the Relational unconscious; enactment; Ferenczi and mutuality; trauma, hate, destructiveness; and inter-subjectivity. All classes are taught by Mitchell Center faculty, including both seminal thinkers in the field and newer voices. This program is appropriate for mental health professionals and advanced trainees.
Seminar Series - Our Seminar Series is a series of discrete one- to three-session seminars on topics related to Relational theory and clinical work. Seminars typically address either foundational Relational concepts, including seminars focused on one seminal thinker, or the elaboration of Relational thinking and clinical work into new domains. Recent seminars have addressed such topics as the work of Ferenczi; unconscious communication; climate change; and work with self-injuring and suicidal patients. All seminars are taught by Mitchell Center faculty and open to the general professional public.
Other Events - Occasionally, we offer other forms of programming, such as conferences and colloquia. These events consist of a single session. Colloquia are open to those who have completed any one-year program at the Stephen Mitchell Center. Conferences are open to all.
Due to Covid, all programs are offered over Zoom and take place in United States Eastern Standard Time. (Click Here for World Time Converter)
-The Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0261.
-The Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychoanalysts #P-0055. CE approval for psychoanalysts was secured on 11/2/21. We are able to provide CE credit for NYS-licensed psychoanalysts as of 11/3/21.
-The Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0152. CE approval for psychologists was secured on 1/7/22. We are able to provide CE credit for NYS-licensed psychologists as of 1/8/2022.
Full attendance is required for CE credit. Certificates will be sent by email within 2 weeks of conclusion of the completion of programs.
For more information, please email
A complete list of the Mitchell Center Faculty can be found here: Faculty Information